A mans penis shrinks to a vagina after eating the mars chilled bar? Is that what they are trying to say? If anyone gets it please explain!
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland, New Zealand
Creative Director:Richard Maddocks
Art director: Lisa Fedyszyn, Jonathan McMahon
Copywriter: Jonathan McMahon, Lisa Fedyszyn
Photographer: Mat Baker
Retouchers: Berrin Moody, Carl Baker, Michael Currie
Account Director: Katrina InghamAccount Manager: Lucy Pilkington
cold causes shrinkage down there. so i guess what they're saying is that the mars bar is so cold it causes shrinkage.
Yes...i think that's what it means. They should have placed a peanut there. With the camel toe it's kind of strange...
Yes...i think that's what it means. They should have placed a peanut there. With the camel toe it's kind of strange...
This may refer to the shrnikage men experience when entering chilled water.
Hmmm... i guess it the theory of science? it's like when u are in a very cold place, men's penis tend to shrink? LOL.... prob thats the message, "SO CHILLED THAT SHRINKS YOU!" LOL
Yep, I think that's the point...not nice at all, yet a creative ad :)
(I've linked you over at The Ad Mad!, hope you link back!)
Could be nice, if used this for Women's Perfume, instead of Mars Bar
May be, the CD wants to say that a Mars bar can even shrink a man’s pennies inwards because of it’s chilling effect. But for a layman, it is stating that Mars would make you very feminine. I am appreciating the brilliant idea of CD, but as a commercial advertisement, I am afraid it’s a failure.
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when a man goes into cold water , his penis..well shrinks..so the whole concept is...mars bars are so called that..ure penis will shrivel up and transform into a vagina. which of course is an extreme indication..but it just overemphasizes the point!
I think it is a play on the idea of "shrinkage", as that episode of Seinfeld put it.
A man's penis shrinks in cold water, so in this case the bar is SO.... cold that it shrinks away entirely?
It's not executed that well, but I suspect that was the idea.
doesn't it mean that u dont have to be a man to eat the bar?
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Keep up the excellent work!
Its playing on the male 'shrinkage' joke.
When exposed cold temperatures (freezing temperatures, cold water when swimming/showering etc.) its known that a bloke's penis shrinks/retracts.
The ad is saying the Mars bar is so cold, you get 'shrinkage'.
Simultaneously rude and subtle. I like it.
Apparently a guy's penis 'shrinks' if it's too cold! I guess that's the message here!!
Yes, serious shrinkage is the result of this frosty phallic treat.
Maybe putting some goosebumps on him might have helped the whole "shrinkage by cold" idea. It could make you think that mars make icecream for trannys. jejeje
Oh' C'mon! This is a clever yet clear idea!! What's their to guess??
it has nothing to do with shrinkage and everything to do with cold. funny stuff!
I think that Mars doesn't want you to eat mars on the beach, It's melting in your hands, not in your mouth. So they want you to prevent yourself of sticky Mars fingers. Nice ad, wrong product
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