Thursday, March 30, 2006

You don't need an axe!

Nice creative from wwf!


Arun said...

Sensational & Amazing Ads.
The Ad really makes a person to stop n have second look...what the ad is about.... real creative stuff...

thanks arvind for letting us..see such creative stuff


shub said...

brilliant stuff!

யாத்ரீகன் said...

hmm.. didnt get it :-(

Dilip said...

Here's my interpretation. When you use mindless reams of papers printing out unnecessary stuff on your printer, you really are causing more trees to be cut. You dont need an axe.

Anonymous said...

Really bad advertising. It's not intelligent, it's only a visual joke, and a bad one.

Anonymous said...

entiendo lo del hacha, ¿pero la silla tiene alguna connotación? ¿se asocia de alguna manera? o es solo un relleno...